Just like every higher education institution, the application period is a significant event in the life of the University of Szeged.
Driven by our overflowing energies, we prepared a video with animations representing what a quality burger means.
Our video - shot on the streets of Budapest, using only an iPhone 6 - was the first - prize winner film at the American iPhone Film Festival in the category of Cinematography.
We shot product photos and a campaign video for their UHK's successful crowdfunding campaign.
Our award - winning timelapse video is the result of 180 days of photo shooting in our belowed hometown.
One of our most challenging tasks was the branding we had to prepare for the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Szeged.
For April Fools' Day we designed an absurd set of cutleries to make fun of the burger - eaters.
The video we prepared shows some of the most significant research carried out by the University of Szeged, targeted for international higher education.
This video introduces the internationally acknowledged University of Szeged, focusing on education.
The video we prepared for the Pocket Games was created for the YouTube and other social media sites, which aimed at popularizing the game on iOs platform as well.